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Les Firewalls d'application Web protègent vos applications Web contre les vulnérabilités connues telles que les injections SQL, les scripts entre sites et bien d'autres accès non autorisés à votre serveur Web.

Nouveau: y compris Googlebot Verifier ! Le Googlebot Verifier filtre les requêtes malveillantes qui se masquent en tant que Googlebots, mais permet aux Googlebots réels de rechercher vos sites.

Les pare-feu d'application Web sont inclus dans les offres d'hébergement sans frais supplémentaires.

This is how our Web Application Firewalls work

The Web Application Firewalls ensure that data sent by an attacker via HTTP / HTTPS is "blocked" with various intelligent measures, thus only "good" inquiries arrive on the webservers, ie on your web applications / online shops. This effectively protects your web applications and the underlying databases against unauthorized access.


What does a Web Application
Firewall do ?

A Web Application Firewall (WAF) is a method that protects web applications against attacks using the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP / HTTPS). It is a special case of an Application Level Firewall (ALF).

Compared to classic firewalls, a WAF examines the communication on the application level. All incoming requests and the responses of the web server are examined by the WAF. The access for suspicious content will be denied

Web application firewalls are included in the hosting plans at no additional cost.


nous sommes là pour vous aider

Notre centre d'assistance contient des FAQ et des guides d'utilisation.